TRANSFORMERS Magmatron Production Animation Cel and Drawing Anime Beast Wars Neo 1999 17
TRANSFORMERS Magmatron Production Animation Cel and Drawing Anime Beast Wars Neo 1999 17
Super Life-Form TRANSFORMERS: Beast Wars Neo, 1999
Original Production Animation Cel and Drawing
Matted and ready to frame, with a Charles Scott Gallery Letter of Authenticity
Wonderful image of Magmatron! Actually used to create the cartoon! This lot includes both the cel and matching drawing.
We will mount this gorgeous piece of art in an acid-free, 4-ply paper mat that measures 11" x 14" - so you can just buy your own frame and hang it in your home gallery. We only use archival/acid-free materials in mounting your artwork. NOTE: in most cases we have not yet mounted the art in a mat, so if you wish to have us leave it unmounted let us know IMMEDIATELY when you make the purchase, as we will often mat it within minutes.