Tom & Jerry Cartoon Production Animation Cel (s) and Drawing (s) Anime Filmation 1980-82 C-s929
Tom & Jerry Cartoon Production Animation Cel (s) and Drawing (s) Anime Filmation 1980-82 C-s929
Original production Animation Cel(s) (most come with drawings as well)
Filmation 1980-1982
Unique, Hand-Painted and One of a Kind and USED ON SCREEN!
Comes with a Charles Scott Gallery Certificate of Authenticity
An actual prop used to make the cartoon decades ago! You can freeze the cartoon and see where this hand-painted art was used! Tom and Jerry went through a number of studios and in 1980-1982 they were with Filmation. This is an original production animation cel (or cel setup) that was actually used in the early 1980's to make the show! OVER 30 YEARS OLD! Most of these cels also come with matching production drawings.
Some have line-loss, paint-loss, production strip removed and replaced at time of production - check the picture for details.
Cel and Drawing size(s): 10.5" x 12.5"
Actually used in the making of the cartoon and great for collectors or to hang on your wall as nostalgic decoration!